June 8th is National Best Friend Day! Today is a time to enjoy and appreciate your best friend. It's a day to honor and cherish the relationship you share.

If you're lucky, you have a best friend (or two, or three).  You spend countless hours with your best friend going to events and activities, or just hanging out. You share secrets, hopes, dreams, aspirations, and disappointments with your best friend.
Let's take the time to cherish the relationship you have with your best friend(s).

You can do this by
  • Spending time with your best friend
  • Making efforts to find a best friend(if you don't currently have one)
  • Giving a small gift or card to your best friend
  • Calling an old best friend that you've lost touch with
Lets take the time to thank our best friend for always being there for us!

After a nice relaxing evening at the Library, let's get back on Track! The new Athletic track was opened last Fall and is waiting to be used! Go for a walk, jog or run tonight. This is a great way to burn calories, increase lung capacity, reduce stress, and enjoy the outdoors! I know I will be heading over after work!
Reduce Stress - Relax! Watch NFB shorts at Mary Kaeser Library. The Library is showing 4 short animated films starting tonight at 7:15PM. Challenge yourself to relax and enjoy these film's tonight!

More information on NFB Films at the Libary can be found at http://www.mklibrary.ca/nfb/

Also, Cupcake Wednesday's are starting at the Museum. The cupcakes, along with tea and coffee, will be offered at the museum from 2 to 5 p.m. every Wednesday throughout June, July and August.
It's Gardening Season! Learn more about gardening at Planting Your Garden 101 information session. This session takes place tonight at 7pm at Mission Park!
June 4th is Hug You Cat Day! This is the perfect opportunity to put your cat on a pedestal and thank her for all those times she has curled up next to you after a long day.
Did you know that showing your furry friend some affection is healthy for you? Studies have shown that hugs from animals can lower blood pressure and decrease stress. So go ahead, give your cat a nice big hug, and while you’re at it, throw in some grooming and a little catnip too!

It's the last day of spring clean up, so why not spend the time with your family cleaning up. If you haven't already, call 872-8400 to register for Fort Smith Spring Clean Up! Already done your spring clean up? Get the family together to do different activities around the house or yard, or help clean up around the neighborhood!
Beach Volleyball Open Drop in Starts today! Come on down to the beach volleyball courts between 3 and 9 and enjoy the sunshine while exercising! Haven't played Beach Volleyball before? No experience is required! Play for 15 minutes or 3 hours, its totally up to you! After you play record that you completed this challenge and get ready for tomorrow! Have fun and don't be afraid to get a little sandy! 
Challenge #1 - Friday, June 4th: Start off 123 days of Fort Smith Summer Awesome by taking a walk on the beautiful Thebacha Trail. Take a 5 minute walk, or a 2 hour walk, its completely up to you! Once you are finished walking, record that you completed Challenge #1 and get ready for tomorrows challenge!