Looking to voice your opinions on issues regarding Parks and Playgrounds in Fort Smith? Tonight is a great time to help plan for our future! Share your ideas for Parks and Playground at a meeting that is open to everyone!

Tonight (Monday, June 18) at 7:00PM at Town Hall
Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers out there!! Today is the one day of the year that is all about fathers! Lets take the time today to really spoil all of our amazing fathers! Go on a fishing trip, a hike, golfing, cook a meal, or just relax and watch a movie with your father or a father figure. Let's show our appreciation by spending time with our fathers and father figures today!
How often do you walk your dog?? Research suggests that dogs require 20-45 minutes of exercise every day! Let's make today the day we start walking every day. Generally, the less a person exercises, the less a dog exercises. On this day walking with your dog is a must. If you don't have a dog, perhaps you can join a friend while he or she walks their dog.
June 15th is the anniversary of Ben Franklin's kite experiment in 1752. Let's celebrate by flying a kite outside today! Gather up your family and friends and spend some time in the great outdoors! Don't have a kite? They are easy to make and a great family craft! Follow the instructions on the link below to create your very own kite.

A great way to spend quality time together is to bake healthy and nutritious meals. This simple mini-pizza recipe creates a meal that children of all ages can help bake!

Pizza has the potential to be a highly nutritious meal when prepared at home because you can control the fat, fibre and vegetable content. Your kids will love these fun little pizzas, especially if you get them to help make their own.

Quick fix tip
This is a recipe that can be made from leftovers in a jiffy. Store-bought pizza sauces are easy to use and convenient.

4 small tomatoes, thinly sliced
2 whole-grain English muffins, sliced in half
3/4 cup (175 mL) grated part-skim mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup (125 mL) pizza or tomato sauce

Be creative! Add other vegetables such as peppers, onions, or mushrooms to create a healthier pizza! Other suggested toppings: Leftover chicken or beef, red peppers, mushrooms, onions or tuna.

  1. Preheat your oven or toaster oven to 400ºF (200ºC).
  2. Toast English muffin halves in oven until lightly browned (5 minutes).
  3. Spread approximately 30 mL (2 tbsp) of sauce on each muffin half. Cover the sauce with overlapping tomato slices and other toppings of your choice.
  4. Sprinkle each muffin half with salt and pepper and scatter mozzarella cheese and other toppings to cover the tomatoes.
  5. Place mini pizzas on a cookie sheet and bake until cheese is melted (5 minutes). Remove from oven and let cool.
  6. Place in a plastic container with carrot and celery sticks on the side for your child's lunch box the next day.

Nutritional information per serving
Calories: 35g
Protein: 21 g
Fat: 11 g
Saturated fat: 5 g
Carbohydrate: 46 g
Dietary fibre: 5 g
Sodium: 788 mg
Potassium: 567 mg
An asteroid the size of a city block is set to fly by Earth Thursday (June 14), and you may be able to watch it happen live!
The near-Earth asteroid 2012 LZ1, which astronomers think is about 1,650 feet (500 meters) wide, will come within 14 lunar distances of Earth Thursday evening. While there's no danger of an impact on this pass, the huge space rock may come close enough to be caught on camera.

The sky is beautiful at night, and stargazing can be an exciting and relaxing hobby. Why not take the time to lie out under the stars tonight with a loved one.

As warmer weather sets in, the brilliant stars of summer begin to position themselves in the overhead skies. For beginning stargazers the trio of stars that form the Summer Triangle remains the symbol of the season and there is no brighter or easier star to find than brilliant Vega.
Stargazing is a great activity that you can do with the whole family! Teach your children about constellations, meteorites, stars, planets, and more!

Join Malorie Rehm at the Recreation and Community Centre for Kids Yoga!
Let your kids burn off their energy in a self directed way with an array of easy to challenging asanas that are always fun.
Ages 5-11. Tuesday’s from 3:45-4:30p.m. There are only 2 classes left so make sure to check it out!
Contact the Rec Centre for more information as there are adult classes as well.
While your child(ren) is at Yoga why not stick around the Rec Centre and go for a swim, play some squash, or check out Pete's gym!

It's time you dusted off the old Monopoly board, collected all the missing Scrabble pieces, pulled down Trivial Pursuit from your spare closet and gathered up your family for an old-fashioned game night.

Board games, card games, and word games provide a number of benefits including:

1) Board Games are good for the mind:
Challenging your brain with mentally stimulating leisure activities (including playing board games or cards, doing crossword puzzles, reading, writing, and playing musical instruments) is great for your mind.

2) Relieve Stress, Gain Mental Balance and Relax
Playing "casual games" (board games, card games, word games, etc.) is an excellent way to kick back and relax,

3) More Quality Family Time
Sitting down for some uninterrupted family time may feel like a rare luxury in your home, as schedules pull everyone in different directions, but doing so is extremely important.
Playing board games is an excellent way to get closer to your family (you'll often be surprised at where the conversation goes), while strengthening your family bond, and allowing kids to practice essential problem-solving and other cognitive skills.

Not sure what board games to play? Here is a list of 10 great family games! http://www.dailypress.com/news/dp-top10-board-games-051409,0,4628721.photogallery

June 10-16 is Seniors Week in the Northwest Territories! Have a cup of tea, go for a walk, or just spend some time with a senior, elder, or older adult that you know! This challenge does not have to be done today, it can be carried out throughout the entire week!
Let's all celebrate seniors and their contributions to our community this week

Seniors make a difference in our communities every day. From supporting family members and friends to assisting charities and volunteering, seniors are deeply involved in our communities and their contributions benefit all of us.Happy Seniors Week!

Are you looking for ways to spend quality time with your family or friends?? Why not have a picnic on this beautiful day!   What is nice about picnics is that they can last as short as a few hours or run as long as all day. It is also important to mention that the change of scenery may do you and your family good, even if that change of scenery is just to your backyard, as opposed to your kitchen table. Have some free time? Take a walk to a local park and have a picnic there! 

It is also a great idea to involve the whole family in preparation and cooking for the picnic too! Make your favorite sandwich, wrap, or salad, gather up family and friends, and challenge yourself to enjoy the sunshine and spend quality time with loved ones.