An asteroid the size of a city block is set to fly by Earth Thursday (June 14), and you may be able to watch it happen live!
The near-Earth asteroid 2012 LZ1, which astronomers think is about 1,650 feet (500 meters) wide, will come within 14 lunar distances of Earth Thursday evening. While there's no danger of an impact on this pass, the huge space rock may come close enough to be caught on camera.

The sky is beautiful at night, and stargazing can be an exciting and relaxing hobby. Why not take the time to lie out under the stars tonight with a loved one.

As warmer weather sets in, the brilliant stars of summer begin to position themselves in the overhead skies. For beginning stargazers the trio of stars that form the Summer Triangle remains the symbol of the season and there is no brighter or easier star to find than brilliant Vega.
Stargazing is a great activity that you can do with the whole family! Teach your children about constellations, meteorites, stars, planets, and more!

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