It's time you dusted off the old Monopoly board, collected all the missing Scrabble pieces, pulled down Trivial Pursuit from your spare closet and gathered up your family for an old-fashioned game night.

Board games, card games, and word games provide a number of benefits including:

1) Board Games are good for the mind:
Challenging your brain with mentally stimulating leisure activities (including playing board games or cards, doing crossword puzzles, reading, writing, and playing musical instruments) is great for your mind.

2) Relieve Stress, Gain Mental Balance and Relax
Playing "casual games" (board games, card games, word games, etc.) is an excellent way to kick back and relax,

3) More Quality Family Time
Sitting down for some uninterrupted family time may feel like a rare luxury in your home, as schedules pull everyone in different directions, but doing so is extremely important.
Playing board games is an excellent way to get closer to your family (you'll often be surprised at where the conversation goes), while strengthening your family bond, and allowing kids to practice essential problem-solving and other cognitive skills.

Not sure what board games to play? Here is a list of 10 great family games!,0,4628721.photogallery

12/4/2012 12:28:06 am

Some great games in your list, mine is similar but a few more added to it. You can view it here at <a href="">top ten board games</a>


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